Shisa Koi Guardians
About Sumofish
Sumofish artist and creator Brandt Fuse grew up in Hawaii with a love of fishing and anything ocean related. A year abroad in Japan fueled an appreciation for his heritage, and solidified his passion for all things Japanese. After relocating to San Francisco CA, Sumofish was born- a line of unique characters that combined his love of Japanese culture and memories of fishing back in the islands.
About this product
Shisa are okinawan lion-dogs seen flanking home and business entrances to protect the residence. Typically seen in pairs, the male has it's mouth open to ward off evil, and the female has its mouth closed to keep good energy in. These are shisa-koi, with koi adding symbols of strength and perseverance. Kanji on shisa's noses are 'courage' and 'protection', and look for the green bittermelon emblem reading 'shimanchu' or 'islander' at the bottom of our okinawan themed designs!